Amelia Rose

Written by Ashley Wells

AmeliaRose is a 4 year old girl living with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

Amelia, as she prefers to be called, is a very independent and quizzically thinking young lady. She loves figuring out how things work and learning to build items. When she was 3 years old, she overheard her parents talking about the kitchen aid mixer not working, and as soon as they left the room she began to take it apart to try to fix it. When asked what she was doing she responded “It broken” and then put it all back together.

Amelia has a sassy personality, but is also very empathetic. Whenever she sees someone is upset, she tries to make them happy. Sad and emotional movies are difficult for her. Her mom describes her as ‘A spunky little lady.”

 Amelia loves the alphabet and numbers. She likes to take things apart and put them back together again. She prefers swords and cars over dolls and dress up... but she does love her dollies. Amelia loves Minnie Mouse and visiting her family. Her Aunt moved to Florida, which was sad for her, but she got to take her first plane ride to see her and was very brave.

Amelia has many strengths. She is independent, brave, empathetic, and is really starting to communicate. She loves to figure out any puzzle. She likes to cook and break eggs. She is also inquisitive. 

Amelia and her family experience some challenges. For example, going to the store or any outing can be very difficult. Meltdowns from overstimulation have decreased, but she still has a tendency to run off and hide, which is terrifying for her parents. She has a difficult time following any routine that she did not set in place for herself. Amelia can be very particular with food, but on the plus side, she does eat her vegetables and fruits.

Communication has been a struggle for Amelia and her family, but they have been working with her on that and she is starting to communicate verbally, although the family feels she could still benefit from an AAC device. 

When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, she simply said “NASA” which her mother believes means she wants to be an Astronaut. 

“Kevin and I were told by the CDRC psychologist not to expect much. Not to plan for an independent life for her. To consider what our plans are for her if we can’t take care of her. My lord, that was a devastating conversation. But boy has Rosie not only jumped many hurdles she has soared over them. Our dreams haven’t changed much from when we thought that she may be on the spectrum. We have high expectations for her. We want her to live independently, get a high school diploma and go to college. I would love to have her work any job she wants. She can do anything. She has a lot of work to do, but we all do.

AmeliaRose is AmeliaRose, a diagnosis has not changed anything. It has only changed the way we support, fight, and work for her. Rose is determined and stubborn and she will do whatever she wants. We dream of her wedding day and possible grand babies. We dream of her college graduation and her position as a CEO or an Astronaut. All we know is whatever she wants to do, whatever she wants to be, we are going to support her and find a way to make sure she has a fighting chance. Her brothers adore this little girl and Andrew, her older brother, would protect her from anything. Oliver her younger brother will make sure he tags along to get into trouble with her. Our family is very tight knit. And she has all of us, Aunties, Uncle, and Grandparents are here to support and love her.” - Sherene Highland

Jill Fummerton